Correct use of Metered Dose Inhaler
Using a metered dose inhaler is a good way to take asthma medicines. There are few side effects because the medicine goes right to the lungs and not to other parts of the body. It takes only 5 to 10 minutes for the medicine to have an effect compared to liquid asthma medicines, which can take I to 3 hours. Inhalers can be used by all asthma patients age 5 and older. A spacer or holding chamber attached to the inhaler can help make taking the medicine easier for even younger children. These devices are helpful to people having trouble using an inhaler.
The inhaler must be cleaned often to prevent buildup that will clog it and reduce how well it works.
- The guidelines that follow will help you use the inhaler the right way.
- Ask your doctor or nurse to show you how to use the inhaler.
Using the Inhaler
1. Remove the cap and hold the inhaler upright.
2. Shake the inhaler.
3. Tilt your head back slightly and breathe out.
4. Use the inhaler in any one of these ways. (A is the best way, but C is okay if you are having trouble with A or B.)
A. Open mouth with inhaler 1 to 2 inches away
B. Use spacer
C. In the mouth
5. Press down on the inhaler to release the medicine as you start to breathe in slowly.
6 Breathe in slowly for 3 to 5 seconds.
7. Hold your breath for 10 seconds to allow the medicine to reach deeply into your lungs.
B. Repeat puffs as prescribed. Waiting 1 minute between puffs may permit the second puff to go deeper into the lungs.
NOTE: Dry powder capsules are used differently. To use a dry powder inhaler, close your mouth tightly around the mouthpiece and inhale very fast.
For more information Please call 621-2211 or 736-7708. We provide a comprehensive care to all asthmati
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